Madame Alexander - Snow White - body type: Margaret - season: 2001
Madame Alexander - Red Riding Hood - body type: Margaret - season: 2001
Madame Alexander - Beauty and the Beast Belle (Disney) - body type: Margaret - season: 1998
Madame Alexander - Snow White - body type: Margaret - season: 1995
Madame Alexander - Horcow's Trunk Set (MADC) - body type: Margaret - season: 1995
Madame Alexander - Storyland - Pocahontas - body type: Margaret - season: 1995
Madame Alexander - Gone with the Wind - Stroll Down Peachtree Lane - body type: Margaret - season: 1995
Madame Alexander - Rapunzel and Mother Gothel - body type: Margaret - season: 1993
Madame Alexander - Rumpelstilskin and the Miller's Daughter - body type: Margaret - season: 1992
Madame Alexander - Classic - Louisa May Alcott - body type: Margaret - season: 1989
Madame Alexander - Gone with the Wind - Bonnie Blue - body type: Margaret - season: 1989
Madame Alexander - Gone with the Wind - Scarlett (Jubilee #2) - body type: Margaret - season: 1989
Madame Alexander - Fine Arts - Sargent - body type: Margaret - season: 1984
Madame Alexander - Little Women - Beth - body type: Margaret - season: 1983
Madame Alexander - Opera - Mimi - body type: Margaret - season: 1983
Madame Alexander - First Ladies - Martha Johnson Patterson - body type: Margaret - season: 1982
Madame Alexander - First Ladies - Harriet Lane - body type: Margaret - season: 1982
Madame Alexander - First Ladies - Abigail Fillmore - body type: Margaret - season: 1982
Madame Alexander - First Ladies - Sarah Jackson - body type: Margaret - season: 1979
Madame Alexander - First Ladies - Louisa Adams - body type: Margaret - season: 1976