Goods that feature foot type Articulated, which page contains '1'*

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Fashion Doll Agency - Max Tribu - foot type: Articulated - season: 2019

Fashion Doll Agency - Lou Tribu - foot type: Articulated - season: 2019

Fashion Doll Agency - Jill Tribu - foot type: Articulated - season: 2019

Fashion Doll Agency - Max Culottée - foot type: Articulated - season: 2019

Fashion Doll Agency - Lou Culottée - foot type: Articulated - season: 2019

Fashion Doll Agency - Jill Culottée - foot type: Articulated - season: 2019

Fashion Doll Agency - New Generation - New Gen Max - foot type: Articulated - season: 2018

Fashion Doll Agency - New Generation - New Gen Lou - foot type: Articulated - season: 2018

Fashion Doll Agency - New Generation - New Gen Jill - foot type: Articulated - season: 2018

Integrity Toys - Poppy Parker - Swinging London - Welcome to Misty Hollows (IT Direct Event) - foot type: Articulated - season: 2017

Integrity Toys - ITBE - Reflective - foot type: Articulated - season: 2016

Integrity Toys - ITBE - Decisive - foot type: Articulated - season: 2016

Integrity Toys - ITBE - Illusive - foot type: Articulated - season: 2016

Integrity Toys - ITBE - Forward - foot type: Articulated - season: 2016

Integrity Toys - Fashion Teen Poppy - Bright Idea - foot type: Articulated - season: 2016

Integrity Toys - Fashion Teen Poppy - Silver Shine - foot type: Articulated - season: 2016

Integrity Toys - Fashion Teen Poppy - Midnight Sparkle - foot type: Articulated - season: 2016

Integrity Toys - Poppy Parker - Ooh La La! (W club) - foot type: Articulated - season: 2016

Integrity Toys - Fashion Teen Poppy - Clear Over Here - foot type: Articulated - season: 2016

Integrity Toys - FR:16 - Exuberance - foot type: Articulated - season: 2015