Goods that feature skintone Superstar Peach*

*Click the flag to find on Amazon                     

Mattel - Barbie - Kelly Club - Play Time! - Pony Ride Marisa - skintone: Superstar Peach - season: 2002


Mattel - Barbie - Barbie Surf City Kira - skintone: Superstar Peach - season: 2000

Mattel - Barbie - Coca-Cola - Soda Fountain Sweetheart

Mattel - Barbie - Coca-Cola - Soda Fountain Sweetheart - skintone: Superstar Peach - season: 1997

Mattel - Barbie - Talk with Me!

Mattel - Barbie - Talk with Me! - skintone: Superstar Peach - season: 1997

Mattel - Barbie - Olympic Gymnast - Auburn - skintone: Superstar Peach - season: 1995

 - Olympic Gymnast - Platium Blonde

- Olympic Gymnast - Platium Blonde - skintone: Superstar Peach - season: 1995

Mattel - Heart Family - Kiss & Cuddle Mom & Baby - Caucasian - skintone: Superstar Peach - season: 1987

Mattel - Chantal Goya - skintone: Superstar Peach - season: 1979