Goods that feature head sculpt Basil St. John (Tonner)*

*Click the flag to find on Amazon                     

Tonner - Phantom of the Opera - The Phantom of the Opera (Paris Fashion Doll Festival) - head sculpt: Basil St. John (Tonner) - season: 2008

Effanbee - Brenda Starr - Havana St. John - head sculpt: Basil St. John (Tonner) - season: 2007

Tonner - Matt O'Neill - Gentleman Groom-companion (UFDC Region 2 South) - head sculpt: Basil St. John (Tonner) - season: 2007

Effanbee - Basil St. John - Cavalier Basic Basil St. John - head sculpt: Basil St. John (Tonner) - season: 2006

Effanbee - Basil St. John - Basil Basic - head sculpt: Basil St. John (Tonner) - season: 2004

Effanbee - Basil St. John - Mystery Man - head sculpt: Basil St. John (Tonner) - season: 2004