Goods that feature eye color amber*

*Click the flag to find on Amazon                     

Wilde Imagination - Sad Sally - Simply Sad Sally - eye color: amber - season: 2014

Wilde Imagination - Ellowyne Wilde - Shall I Dance? - eye color: amber - season: 2014

Wilde Imagination - Evangeline Ghastly - Christmas in Ipswich - Angelique (All Our Wilde Holidays 2014) - eye color: amber - season: 2014

Wilde Imagination - Sad Sally - Bashful Burt - eye color: amber - season: 2014

Wilde Imagination - Evangeline Ghastly - Claire de Lune (Paris fashion doll festival) - eye color: amber - season: 2013

Tonner - Twilight - Twilight: New Moon Set - eye color: amber - season: 2011

Tonner - Twilight - ALICE CULLEN - eye color: amber - season: 2010

Tonner - Betsy McCall - 14" Sweater Stylin' - eye color: amber - season: 2003