Goods that feature body type Fashionista Smaller Bust*

*Click the flag to find on Amazon                     

Mattel - Barbie - Fashionistas #210 - Colorful Crochet Halter Dress - Smaller Bust - body type: Fashionista Smaller Bust - season: 2023


Mattel - Barbie - Fashionistas #187 - Shift Dress - Smaller Bust - body type: Fashionista Smaller Bust - season: 2022

Mattel - Barbie - Fashionistas #147 - Striped Dress - Smaller Bust

Mattel - Barbie - Fashionistas #147 - Striped Dress - Smaller Bust - body type: Fashionista Smaller Bust - season: 2020


Mattel - Barbie - Fitness - body type: Fashionista Smaller Bust - season: 2020


Mattel - Barbie - Fashionistas #128 - Smaller Bust - body type: Fashionista Smaller Bust - season: 2019


Mattel - Barbie - Fashionistas #137 - Smaller Bust - body type: Fashionista Smaller Bust - season: 2019