Goods that feature body type Effanbee Baby*

*Click the flag to find on Amazon                     

Effanbee - Effanbee Baby - Little Miss Macintosh - body type: Effanbee Baby - season: 2008

Effanbee - Effanbee Baby - Sunshine & Smiles - body type: Effanbee Baby - season: 2008

Effanbee - Effanbee Baby - Portrait in Blue - body type: Effanbee Baby - season: 2008

Effanbee - Effanbee Baby - Jumping Bean - body type: Effanbee Baby - season: 2008

Effanbee - Effanbee Baby - Sugar & Spice - body type: Effanbee Baby - season: 2008

Effanbee - Effanbee Baby - Day in the Sun with Gorbie, A - body type: Effanbee Baby - season: 2007

Effanbee - Effanbee Baby - Annabelle & Gorbie - body type: Effanbee Baby - season: 2007

Effanbee - Effanbee Baby - Shopping with Mommy & Gorbie - body type: Effanbee Baby - season: 2007

Effanbee - Effanbee Baby - Bundling up with Gorbie - body type: Effanbee Baby - season: 2007